We systematically take steps to reduce our environmental impact and to promote the health and safety of our employees. We place the highest value on the quality of our solutions – after all, our focus is always on our customers. We have established qualified systems throughout our company to record, evaluate and improve these parameters. For example, we obtain wood and pulp from sustainable forestry and certified forests.

Carbon Footprint  

The carbon footprint provides information on the levels of greenhouse gases that are produced across the entire life cycle of our products. On the following pages you can download detailed information relating to this for our paper types.

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Here you can download detailed product specifications for our entire paper range, including an overview of the end products that can be produced with it.

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Paper Profiles  

A paper profile is an information source for professional paper buyers. Paper profiles allow the paper buyer to make well-informed product choices. On the following pages you can download the paper profiles for our paper types.

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